AgRP/ART: Products
Agouti-related Protein (AgRP), also known as the protein product of the Agouti-related Transcript (ART), is a neuropeptide and a functional antagonist of alpha-MSH on Melanocortin (MC)-3 and MC-4 receptors, both of which are implicated in obesity. AgRP shares sequence and structural similarity with the Agouti protein and has similar expression patterns in both mouse and human.
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"AgRP/ART" has 13 results in Products.
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Proteome Profiler Mouse Angiogenesis Array Kit
Contains 4 membranes - each spotted in duplicate with 53 different angiogenesis antibodies
Proteome Profiler Mouse Adipokine Array Kit
Contains 4 membranes - each spotted in duplicate with 38 different obesity-related antibodies